When Will Buon Apps Restaurant Re-Open?


We wish we could tell you!

There is lots of speculation, but we're in the dark too. We're preparing as much as we can using the available rules and regulations, investing in PPE equipment, and making sure our cleaning protocols exceed the published standards. All so we can re-open as soon as the Government give us the green light. But opening must be in a way that is safe for customers and staff.

At the time of writing there are rumours beer-gardens may be able to open soon. Does that mean we could serve you on our Garden Terrace? We don't know.

Until we have proper approval to re-open, Buon Apps Restaurant and the Garden Terrace remain closed. We will not be accepting reservations. It’s disappointing for you and for us if we have to cancel them. As soon as we can accept reservations we’ll let you know!

Keep an eye on our Facebook or Twitter feeds to stay up to date.

David Potts